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Support Service

Shade3D 公式

About CG Input Support Service

This is a service that we undertake the creation of 3D models, 3D printers, and animation data.

Staff who are knowledgeable in Shade3D functions will create high-level 3D data even with a small amount of information such as illustrations, diagrams, pictures etc.

In addition to Shade3D, we have many experience in 3D data creation, and excellent VR data have been presented at the 3D VR contest (organized by our company).

This 3D data creation service does not only provide Shade3D but also supports VR/CG data creation in general, from creating 3D models and textures to creating simulation data.

Click here for consultations about data creation

Past Works

We can create data from a small amount of information such as illustrations, diagrams and pictures.

In addition to being able to support a wide range of modeling, rendering, and 3D printers, we can create a wide range of 3D data such as people, characters, buildings, furniture, machines, parts, and other shapes that you want to create.

Click here for details about UC-win/Road and Shade3D CG imput support service

Exterior Image

Reference Price: $3000.00
Reference Delivery Time: 10 business days
Number of Polygons: About 600,000
Angkor Wat

Characters and Interior Image

Reference Price: $4000.00
Reference Delivery Time: 15 business days
Number of Polygons: About 260,000
Wellington Marae

Exterior Image

Reference Price:$2100.00
Reference Delivery: 8 business days
Number of Polygons: About 230,000
Lodz, Poland

Click here for details about UC-win/Road and Shade3D CG input support service

Other works

Person(Including motion)

Reference Price:$1700.00
Reference Delivery:7 business days
Number of Polygons: About 20,000

Character(Including motion)

Reference Price:$2100.00
Reference Order: 8 business days
Number of Polygons: About 40,000


Reference Price:$500.00
Reference Order: 2 business days
Number of Polygons: About 100,000


Reference Price :$250.00
Reference Order: 1 business day
Number of Polygons: About 30,000

Click here for details about UC-win/Road and Shade3D CG input support service

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding the 3D creation service, please feel free to use the form below or contact our sales department.

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TEL:+81-3-6894-1888    Sales Contact (Toll-free Number): 0120-1888-58   

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