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Apple M1 Processor Benchmark

Shade3D 公式

Native support for Apple Silicon. Gained 1.3x increase in rendering speed !

Shade3D Ver.21.1 now natively supports Apple Silicon.
Improved overall performance compared to operation through virtualization middleware.
In particular, the rendering speed is 1.35 times faster, and it can outperform existing Mac without changing any settings.

This time, we will publish the benchmark results of rendering speed using "Pegasus" displayed on the splash screen of Shade3D Ver.21 and "Kitchen (kichen_room.shd)" included in Shade Explorer.
The CPUs and operating modes to be compared are "Intel Core i7 (conventional)", "Apple M1 (Rosetta 2)", and "Apple M1 (native)".

・Validation data




Machine OS CPU RAM
Mac mini(2018)macOS Big SurIntel Core i7 3.2GHz 6-core32GB
Mac mini(M1,2020)macOS Big SurApple M1 8-core16GB

・Calculation result of rendering speed

*Please click here for more information about Shade3D Ver.21

*Please click here to see our support for macOS Big Sur

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