“2D drawing view”
The independent 2D drawing view can be created and displayed. Users can create several “2D drawings” and shapes created the “2D drawing” or located in “2D drawing part” are displayed on 2D drawing.
”2D drawing tool”
Added a tool used on 2D drawings. Click an icon on the “2D drawing” to show the tool.
2D drawing for DXF import/export 
Added 2D drawings for drawing selection before DXF import/export
- Import
- Export
glTF import/export
Corresponded to the import/export in glTF/GLB format.
- Import
- Export
HDR display
Supported the HDR (High Dynamic Range). (Real-time display of drawings, rendering image display)
When creating HDR content, the high-brightness image was overexposed with conventional editing tools, and it was not possible to check how it would look in the final output. The HDR support allows users to edit and preview those images in real time.
(OS, GPU, and monitor supporting HDR display are required.)
* 60% brightness setting so that the image can be checked on normal monitors and image formats.
”Real-time shadow”
Shadows can be drawn in real time on the drawing window.
(Operating environments equal to the recommended graphics for Shade3D Ver.21 is required.)
”Slot (arc)”
Added “Slot (arc)” to the NURBS curve creation.
”Create mirroring shape of selected”
This function creates a mirroring shape of selected object on the snapped position.
Added ”Alpha Blend”, “Alpha Mask”, and “Opacity” for PBR material transparency setting 
Added support for frequently used functions with glTF. Each setting is reflected on the glTF importer/exporter.
Added ”No Shading” for PBR material 
”No Shading” has been added to the “Advanced” dialogue in the PBR material surface setting.
Selection of single sided and double sided for each material 
The face visibility of each surface material can be selected from “Inherit”, “Single sided”, and “Double sided”. “Inherit” is the conventional default setting, and visibility is not inherited from surface materials of upper parts. Shadows and indirect illumination ignore settings, and lights from back side of the “single side” also generates shadows.
Added “Absolute Coordinate” to the measurement tool 
Added the “Absolute Coordinate” display option to the measurement tool
- ”Absolute Coordinate” On
- ”Absolute Coordinate” Off
Added the actual size display of rendering image (improvement of HiDPI support) 
Rendering images can be displayed dot by dot on HiDPI displays such as 4K and Retina. The function can be switched with the “Enable HDR and Actual Size Display of Rendered Image” in View tab in Preferences. (Default setting: On)
Added UI font size
Users can select the font size in the preferences now. The UI font has also been improved.
- System
- Small
- Medium
- Large