Friday, 6th of March, 2015 |
New Fast Forward video tutorial: Character polygonal modeling It's the 40th video published by Shade 3D Channel! We decided to create a long video tutorial of almost one hour that will show you a technique to create a character from a box. This tutorial has been optimized for some Shade 3D ver.15 tools! Shade 3D ver.15 purchase, the date ! The version 15 will finally be available for purchase on the 20th of March 2015! The version 15 will be available for the following prices:
AOUtil plugin is updated! ft-lab gave us a great update that will improve the performances of AOUtil! If you do not have it yet, it is time to get it! Updates:
If you have already purchased AOUtil plugin, just login our Shade3D Online Store and re-download (in the Download/License section) the plugin, it will be updated.
New MarketPlace content The bicycle is back in its RACE Edition! Speed up and download this new free content! TIPs of the day: Merge vertices! When you want to modify or repair an object or a polygon mesh and you need to merge several vertices together, just use this convenient tool Merge Vertices at Center / Weld Vertices ! From a box to... A new Fast Forward video tutorial where you will learn how to create a character from a box object! Upgrade your Shade 3D version! You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!
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