Thursday, September 24, 2015 |
The Japan's Corner!If you are following Shade 3D's activities through our English Website and social media, you are probably missing cool and interesting things going on our Japanese website. Of course, we are aware that most of you cannot understand Japanese so that is why we have decided to give you a glimpse, through this blog, of what is going on in Japan! This week, the first article: A Train Story...
Shade 3D ForumA lot of our customers ask us information through our support email but did you know that for some simple issues, technical problem or even requests, your could find an answer on our Forum? Maybe it is already waiting for you! You can also post your creations, your tutorials and tips and speak freely about anything you want in our Off Topic section!
MarketPlace Recent items added:
Regularly check our MarketPlace out in order to know more about the available plugins, content, scripts/widgets and more! Maybe you will like to add your name to our Creator's Corner after developing your own assets for Shade 3D!
Fast Forward & Shade3D Channel Our team is doing its best to provide you with English video tutorials that will allow you to increase your Shade 3D level! On our Website, you will find a video page grouping all the published videos. Different objects, different levels (beginner, confirmed...), Demo Reels, everything you need to get to know Shade 3D better and better! We also encourage you to show us your techniques and works! Why not trying to publish your own tutorials and share your tips on the official Shade3D Channel by contacting us through a message on our Channel or through our Support email? We need you! More than 60 videos are waiting for you!
"Tutorials" Section in the Shade 3D Product PageLearn more about the Export possibilities between Shade 3D and other software! Substance Painter to Shade 3D Tutorial Date: September 17, 2015. Date: September 11, 2015. Shapeasy ver.1.0 Available in its English version !A perfect approach to 3D for the youngest and a really fun tool for the confirmed 3D CG designers, the new version features an improved speed, a new UI, new tools and more. Check our new Shapeasy English webpage out! Try the trial version!
Shade 3D ver.15.1.1 New Update AvailableGet the new Shade 3D ver.15.1.1 updater. Bug fixes, improvements, the Shade 3D team has been working hard to provide you with a better version of your favorite 3DCG software! Do not forget to regularly check out our update page to know about the latest additions of Shade 3D.
What else? - Tip of the day : Alignment Help Upgrade your Shade 3D version!You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!
For further information, please contact Shade 3D Customer Support: We will try to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours : Monday to Friday, 09:00 ~ 18:00 Local Time [JST] Unsubscribe instantly ©2015 Shade3D Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. |