New English Updater 15.1.2
An updated FAQ to learn about the compatibility status of Shade3D Co.,Ltd. products with Mac OS X El Capitan (10.11). |
Piano/ Medieval Weapon set / Separated Widgets/Scripts download
Regularly check our MarketPlace out in order to know more about the available plugins, content, scripts/widgets and more!
Maybe you will like to add your name to our Creators Corner after developing your own assets for Shade 3D!
The Piano
Discover music in 3D! An Upright Piano is waiting for you! Let your imagination decide who you are going to be! Mozart? Beethoven? Ray Charles maybe?
Within the downloaded folder, you will find a very complete PDF tutorial file made by Charlotte, who will walk you through this Piano's creation!

Separate Scripts & Widgets available for download

You will be now able to download all the scripts & Widgets of the famous "Shall we customize?" pack separetely! Check this page out!
Medieval Weapon Set
A Claymore, a War Hammer, a Shield, a Morning Star and an Axe are waiting for you in this set! Their rack is included! 2K textures! |
Fast Forward & Shade3D Channel
Try the playlist! Lights and Tricks!
We encourage you to show us your techniques and works! Why not trying to publish your own tutorials and share your tips on the official Shade3D Channel by contacting us through a message on our Channel or through our Support email? We need you!
More than 60 videos are waiting for you!
"Tutorials" Section in the Shade 3D Product Page
This week: Piano Poly Modeling
In our MarketPlace an Upright Piano is available for free download, but how is it made?! Well, here, you will get your answer and Charlotte will work you through all the modeling process in this PDF tutorial!
What else?
You probably followed the train story right? So yes, no suspense here, the 3D Printing will be involved one more time! "In Japan (and other Asian countries), it is traditional practice to use an 印鑑 (aka 印章) (Hanko)— colloquially called a 判子 in Japanese or "chop" in British English — instead of a signature for acknowledging / signing / accepting documents."
Now that you know in Japan, the Hanko is popular and used for signing documents, you will learn about Michi Sawae and the special request she asked Shade 3D team member, Detta.
Upgrade your Shade 3D version!
You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!
For further information, please contact Shade 3D Customer Support: We will try to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours : Monday to Friday, 09:00 ~ 18:00 Local Time [JST]
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