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Feature Comparison

Shade3D 公式

Feature comparison among different grade options of Shade3D

This feature comparison table introduces the features of Shade3D Ver.23 and Ver.22 with particular focus on major functions.

*FORUM8 will continue to add more new features and enhance existing ones.

Ver.23 new features available in each of the 3 grade options

Interface Update of quick menu
Switching presets in command palette
Modeling Road alignment - -
Interference avoidance for surface replicator -
Creation of polygon mesh circle
Option to divide cylinder base into fan shape
Animation Morph target
BIM/CIM Design Check Tool
(Sold Separately)
IFC input support for design check information in 3D bar arrangement CAD - -

Ver.22 Feature comparison among different grade options of Shade3D

Interface Supporting the input of numerical expressions in numerical input boxes
Scene file information
4K support for Interface
Supporting stereoscopic view of perspective view preview window*1
Preview Rendering
Templates for faces to work on
Smooth zoom-in/zoom-out display of drawings
Display of color for wireframe shapes / Display of colors on markers
Display of scale reference
Display of Global Illumination on shape window -
Ability to switch coordinates axis to Z-UP -
Workspace for CAD - -
Anti-aliasing settings on shade window
Windows 10/macOS Mojave Dark mode
Display of drawing window for PBR Materials - -
High resolution display of textures
Animation of modeling operation (Movement of camera position using fit buttons)
Supporting Metal(macOS), DirectX 12(Windows 10)
Supporting the input of hexadecimal number colors
HDR Display*3
Improved display to show the actual size of rendered image (Improvement of HiDPI support)
Selecting UI font size
Figure window 'Drafting' display mode
Display of hidden lines of wireframe
4 commands added to the "Part" Browser window
Added display mode to Figure Window
Normal Map in the Figure Window
"Invert" can now be used in the Figure Window
“Vertex Colours" in the Figure Window - -

Modeling Polygon modeling
Free surface modeling
NURBS Modeling - -
Link shapes
Ability to assemble NURBS surfaces - -
Interference measurement (NURBS surface) - -
Check for non-NURBS shapes in "Interference" measurement tool - -
Measurement (Surface area / Volume / Center of Gravity) - -
Copy the values in the Measurement and Dimensional Information windows to the clipboard - -
Measurement (Surface area / Volume / Center of Gravity) - -
Ability to convert free surfaces into NURBS - -
Boolean operation (Floating type) - -
Snap objects
3D Printing Assistant
UC-win/Road 3D Printing Assistant (3D Printing Assistant) - -
Wrapping mesh
Measuring tool
Display of cross-section view
Ability to convert meshes into voxels
Polygon reduction
Sliding tool
Subdivision surface OpenSubdiv
Bounding box: Inputting of numerical values
Boolean modeling
Coloring vertices
Coloring vertices: Bake colors -
Ability to keep least thickness
Magnet tools
Modeling light
Replicator -
Hair salon -
Hair animation via collision detection, gravity, and momentum - -
Text primitive
Ability to specify position of manipulator
Show cancellation history -
Align shapes
3D Annotation (Display of dimension lines) - -
2D drawing
2D drawing tool
Mirror copy of selected object
Swept Surface
Closing Free-form Surfaces
Support for cutting position with numerical input of coordinates
“Create dimension lines" for linear shapes and curves - -
Support for "Surface (Uniformity Distribution)" for Surface Replicator -

Surface Expand to a flat view -
Re-arrange UV -
UV Map Editing
LSCM *Ability to unwrap UV -
Direct/Indirect light
Lighting Map
Normal line mapping
Material parameter volume (Volume rendering) -
Displacement mapping -
Material parameter: Subsurface scan rendering - -
PBR Material - -
PBR"α Blend", "α Mask", and "Opaque" as options for PBR Material Transparency Settings - -
Supports the option "No Shading" to PBR Material - -
Setting of one or both faces can be applied to the whole material

Camera/Light/Background Walk Camera
Physical sky -
Volume lighting -
Supporting softness of shadows in ray tracing - -
Ability to set light distribution of light source (IES data) - -

Rendering Maximum rendering size (Pixels) ※2   2,500x2,500


Batch rendering
Setting image gamma
Merge backdrop of rendering image and image files
Ability to set shadow catcher shapes
Global Illumination: Path Tracing
Global Illumination: Path Tracing / Irradiance Cache
Global Illumination: Photon Mapping
Global Illumination: Radiosity
Global Illumination: Path Tracing + Photon Mapping -
Global Illumination: Supporting panorama rendering of irradiance cache
Global Illumination: Radiosity Pro - -
Stereoscopic rendering
Tune Renderer -
Multi-path Rendering -
Subdivision surfaces: OpenSubdiv characteristic adaptive division
Adjustment of quality of Surface Material / Light Source - -
Brightness adjustment -
Rendering history -
Real-time reflection of color corrections -
Glow Effector -
Depth of Field Effect Tool "DepthPlus" -
Tool for Fog Effects "FogPlus" -
ShadeGrid (number of grids)   1 grid   1 grid   Unlimited
Linear work flow
Supporting PBR Rendering - -
Addition of cube map shapes (Horizontal cross)
GPU Ray Tracing - -
AI noise reduction (Intel(R) Open Image Denoise) -

Animation Animation of shape deformation by movement along straight line / rotation / scaling / consistent scaling / ball joints
Set animations using inverse kinematics structure -
Motion Effects -
Smart Kinematics / Aim Constraints / Path Constraints -
Particle Physics -

Files Supporting export of AI files from Adobe Illustrator -
Adobe Illustrator AI: Exporting trihedral figures simultaneously - -
IGES Import/Export (Supporting NURBS shapes) - -
STEP Import/Export - -
DXF Exporting trihedral figures simultaneously - -
Photoshop(PSD)Export -
FBX Import/Export
2D・3D DXF Import/Export
Wavefront OBJ(OBJ)Input/Output
STL Input/Output
Adobe Flash SWF (Tune Renderer) Export - -
Adobe Illustrator AI (Tune Renderer) Export - -
MPO Export
SketchUp Import
COLLADA Import - -
PoserFusion 2 (Importing pz3, pzz files)
BVH Motion Files Import -
EPix Export - -
3ds max(3DS)Import/Export - -
WAV/AU/AIF/AIFF Import/Export
MP4 Import/Export
SketchUp Export - -
Lightwave Import - -
"External Reference Info" window
Ability to import/export glTF files - -
2D drawing support for DXF Import/Export
FBX 2020 import
Option to save and print drawings as images
Support for DirectDraw Surface(DDS) images (Windows version only)
Suite Chidori Engine linkage added to FBX Export (Windows versio only)
Enhanced DXF output: Support for Circle and Arc

Drawing display Real-time shadow*4

UC-win/Road Linkage UC-win/Road real-time linkage (Windows version only) - -

BIM/CIM Design Check Tool
(Sold Separately)
BIM/CIM Design Check Tool - -
Improvement of IFC input/output and editing function - -
BIM/CIM Design Check Tool: Enhanced cutting plane tool - -
IFC Information window for linkage of Shade3D with “3D Bar Arrangement CAD” - -

Other features Synchronization of ShadeExplorer catalogs (Dropbox)
Plugin Interface -
Script Interface
Native operation support for Mac with Apple silicon (macOS only)
Added sample materials of Block UI Programming Tool
Support for Python3
Shade3D SDK -

*1 Supporting anaglyph display that uses red and blue glasses, and full color display that uses polarized lighting method 3D motor using polarized light

*2 Supports bigger sizes depending on the size of PC memory.

*3 Requires OS, GPU, and display that supports HDR display.

*4 Operating environment equivalent to the recommended graphics environment of Shade3D Ver. 22 is required.

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