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Friday, 27th of February 2015.

Shade 3D ver.15 purchase, the date !

The version 15 will finally be available for purchase on the 20th of March 2015

The version 15 will be available for the following prices:

Shade 3D basic ver.15   $49.00
Shade 3D Standard ver.15  $199.00
Shade 3D Professional ver.15  $449.00


"Shall we customize?"  "Hell YEAH!"

Shade3D offers you a free pack of scripts called "Shall we customize? All-in-one"! Get ready to enjoy great scripts for Shade 3D! And this week, we've updated the pack with one more free script and a bug fix!


Need Help with Shade 3D ver.15? 

Shade 3D ver.15 new Features and changes are presented in this page! You will also have access to a "Search" feature (upper right corner)!


MarketPlace content

A new version of the Bicycle will be available on the Marketplace soon! Meanwhile, don't forget to download FOR FREE, the SRR78 Arsenal, the 3D printable candle holder and the Bicycle Standard!


TIPs of the day: Delete useless vertices!

Sometimes, you need to delete useless vertices, thanks to this tool, you can easily do it when you are in the selection mode (available in Shade 3D ver.15)!

Need a hand? 

A new Fast Forward video tutorial where you will learn how to create a hand from a box object!

Upgrade your Shade 3D version!

You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!




For further information, please contact Shade 3D Customer Support: We will try to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours : Monday to Friday, 09:00 ~ 18:00 Local Time [JST] Unsubscribe instantly 

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