Friday, 13th of February 2015 |
MarketPlace and its updates We are glad to announce that a new bug fix version of BoneUtil plugin for Shade 3D is now available for download. If you have downloaded this plugin from our Marketplace, go to your Online Store account and download this plugin again. If you haven't downloaded it yet, you can download it now with this new version. Fixed: Version 1.1: Left and Right bone names are reversed when use "Create Human Bone" with HumanIK Bones Type and Eyes option selected. Objects are still available for FREE download (the Pumpkin and the Spaceship), do not miss it! Next week, a new plugin and objects will be available in the Shade3D MarketPlace! Stay plugged! Sunny 3D Available for purchase As you already know, Sunny 3D is available in its Mobile and Desktop version in our Online Shop! If you have kids and want to encourage them to start 3D, Sunny 3D is the right tool!
TIPs of the day: Gain time when rendering Render only the part you are interested to check! Coffee? Always convenient to have a mug when you need it! Upgrade your version! You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!