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Windows version

OS  Windows Vista (SP2)  /7/8/8.1/10

*Windows XP compatibility confirmed, but will be out of warranty when the OS support ends.

CPU Intel Pentium III, AMD Athlon XP or higher (recommended 1GHz)

Memory 512 MB or more (recommended 1GB)

HDD 500MB or more free space (recommended 1GB)

Monitor 1025x768 pixels or more, 24-bit color or higher

Video Card OpenGL capable graphics chip

*NVIDIA GeForce series, confirmed operation with AMD Radeon series, some Intel HD graphic cards are not supported: only Intel HD Graphics 4000 and Intel HD Graphics 4600 are supported (if you are not sure about your grahic card, please download first our trial version of Sunny 3D). Please make sure to install the latest drivers.

Others Network environment connected to the internet

Mac OS X version

OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9 / 10.10

CPU Intel Core/ Xeon Processor

Memory 512 MB or more (recommended 1GB)

HDD 500MB or more free space (recommended 1GB)

Monitor 1025x768 pixels or more, 24-bit color or higher

Video Card OpenGL capable graphics chip

Others Network environment connected to the internet

*Corresponding OS will guarantee the operation only within the period of OS support

*Use the latest graphic drivers provided by the manufacturer

*Operating environment are subject to changes without notice