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Simple and intuitive 3D creation ( a 3D shape from an outline)

- You can easily create a 3D shape just by drawing an outline (draw a solid)
- You can extrude shapes and give them a specified depth/thickness (draw an extrusion)
- You can revolve a line that will become a 3 Dimensional shape (draw a revolved object)
- You can edit and cut your shape thanks to the knife tool (cut away a part of an object)
- You can extrude a part on an object (create an extrusion on an object)

Paint directly on your 3D object with the Brush function!



- Thanks to the easy-to-use Brush function, you don't need to know mapping techniques in order to color a 3D shape.

- You can use "Pen", "Brush" and "Airbrush" but also "Load" an image and paste it on your shape, a way of "texturing" you 3D model! You can of course change the opacity and the size of your brush.


3D Printer File Input/Output


- You can save your creations in the STL format which suits most of the desktop 3D printers.

- It's possible to save your data in the popular OBJ format which can be read by many 3DCG software.

- Onthis day (June 2014), the full color 3D printing is still an expensive printing method, please consult a specialist for more information.


Other Features

 You can load a background image in order to make things easy when it comes to draw an object's outline.


Supported Files formats

Input/Output possible image formats: BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, TARGA, etc.

- Input/Output possible 3D shape: S3D (Sunny 3D-only format), Wavefront OBJ, STL