Thursday, July 30, 2015 |
The summer of Shade3D! From August 13th to August 16th, Shade3D is going to the beach! User Support will not be able to respond during these holidays, however, the service will be back again from August 17th (Monday JST). We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We wish you a great summer time full of 3D creation and polygons! DAZ 3D A great news: Soon, your favorite software will be available in DAZ 3D shop! Stay plugged to know more about it!
Thank you very much for trying our Shapeasy Beta version. We have received tons of download requests and lots of good feedback about this product. We appreciated all your testing efforts for this software and we are now extremely excited to announce that Shapeasy has entered its final release phase and will soon be available for public release. Please note that this public beta program has came to the end of its mission and won't be available as a beta download service by the end of this month (July). And then what? And then, Shapeasy goes version 1.0! A lot of new things for this program that will make it even more interesting! So stay tuned and get ready to enjoy a brand new Shapeasy! Shall we customize? The Free Python Script "Shall we customize?" is updated, check it out! With total of 30 scripts available in one single download pack. This update added 5 more new scripts:
MarketPlace Design Updated! A lighter and easier design to navigate in our MarketPlace is now online. You will now find on the top page the new features and latest news re-arranged and a ranking for our hot items! Also, you can now switch easily between our 3 sections! The MarketPlace is definitely the place to be when you want to customize your version of Shade 3D! As usual, we want to remind you that it is also the place where you can show your talent and sell your items! It can be content, plugins or scripts and widgets, your creativity is always welcome! Video: Review some basic tools for poly modeling! Because review is good, check this out, you might have missed few tools! Shade 3D ver.15.1 Plugin SDK The new Plugin SDK for Shade 3D ver.15.1 is now available for free download through Shade Developer Network (SDN). That is something you do not want to miss! Click here to download our latest Plugin SDK ! Create a realistic Light bulb! Lights on! Video Do not forget to subscribe to our Channel, we need your support! Upgrade your Shade 3D version! You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!
For further information, please contact Shade 3D Customer Support: We will try to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours : Monday to Friday, 09:00 ~ 18:00 Local Time [JST] ©2015 Shade3D Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. |