New Content on the MarketPlace
ft-lab offers you 2 new downloadable content! The Minotauros (free) and a Furnitures pack! Check it out!

Stay tuned!
A new partnership is coming with Smith Micro, do not forget to check our website out for more information!

Shade in Taiwan!
Our new partner, eBloom Co., will represent Shade 3D in Taiwan, we hope our favorite 3DCG software will get a great welcome over there!

2015, July the 13th - System Maintenance
On July the 13th (Monday), Shade 3D will perform a system maintenance from 5:00 AM to 7:00 AM (Japan time). The shopping site will not be available as well as services such as account login, product purchase, software download, user registration and product activation.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

That is the place to be for the Shade 3D users willing to play an active role in their favorite software life! Content, script, plugin, widget, you name it! We need your talent and passion for Shade 3D.
You will also find free useful content such as "Shall we customize?" (script version), regularly updated!
The MarketPlace is definitely the place to be when you want to customize your version of Shade 3D!

Tip of the day: Cut & Join!
Join 2 points with an edge that will divide your face:

Shade 3D & Lightmap

Do not forget to subscribe to our Channel, we need your support!

Upgrade your Shade 3D version!
You feel you have been exploring enough your Basic or Standard version of Shade 3D? You want to move to more serious things! Check our Upgrade/Cross Upgrade section!

For further information, please contact Shade 3D Customer Support: support@shade3d.co.jp We will try to respond within 24 hours during normal business hours : Monday to Friday, 09:00 ~ 18:00 Local Time [JST]
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