Lang : 日本語 | English | 한국어



 760JPY (Approx.$6.39)




Shade3D CADExtender is plug-in handling surface insertion, edge roundness and the creation of offset curved surfaces.  

Surface Insertion inserts a curved surface patch in the space surrounded by a curved surface patch. 



 Edge Rounder will apply roundness to your angles. 


The Offset Curved Surface will make the curved surface moved in the distance appointed in the normal direction.  





Installation note

For the Windows users
Go to "plugins/win" directory and select "CADExtender.dll" if you want to use 32-bit version of plugin, or "CADExtender64.dll" if you want to use 64-bit version.
Then drag and drop the selected file to your local document directory where you will find "Shade 3D ver.15/plugins" directory. Simply drop the .dll file there.


For the Mac OS X users
Go to "plugins/mac" folder and select "CADExtender.shdplugin" file.
Then drag and drop the selected file to your local "Documents" folder where you will find "Shade 3D ver.15/plugins" folder. Simply drop the file there.


760JPY (Approx.$6.39)