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  Camera / Light Source / Background



Object camera

Create a camera represented by a shape. Multiple cameras can be switched from the camera menu of the perspective view 

Meta camera

This is a camera that does not have one assigned shape to the scene. You can immediately perform camera operation from a new scene without creating a camera object.

Fitting the selective form of the camera by a single button

With the fitting button in the perspective viewyou can center your object.

Light source

Physical Sky

Incidence of the sun light with day and time parameters 

Volume light

The amount of light emitted from the light source is represented as a shape

Ray Tracing shadow softness

Softens the shadows generated by ray tracing

Light distribution light source (IES data)

Create a light source set by IES



Creates a realistic representation of image-based lighting using the HDR image. Clouds, fog, sea, check what you need and it will be rendered

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