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* Shade 3D ver.15.1.1 now officially supports Windows 10.
* This Content installer and HDRI content remain unchanged in the 15.1.1 version. Therefore, you don't need to download the content installer again.
Shade 3D ver.15.1.1 Changes
Here are the changes for Shade 3D ver.15 series included in this ver.15.1.1 (Windows and Mac OS X version),
Listed below are the new changes and fixed bugs (published on August 10th, 2015).
Bug fixes, improvements and specification changes
- Fixed "Render Selected Objects Only" option that didn't work correctly under Toon Rendering. [Pro/Std]
- Fixed "Render Selected Objects Only" option that didn't work when rendering through ShadeGrid.
- Fixed Stereo Camera options with "Zero Parallax" and "Camera Separation" that failed to perform auto calculation.
- Fixed crash problem when select "None" effector popup menu in Image Window > Effects tab > Effector.
- Improved the stability of boolean modeling with irrelevant polygons and faces.
- Fixed boolean modeling with curved surface part that contained incorrect matrix.
- Improved the performance when boolean modeling with lot of master surface in the target shape.
- Fixed the baked vertex color problem when master surface wasn't properly assigned in the Face group.
- Updated "Self Intersecting Faces", "Near Elements (Inner)" and "Near Elements (Outer)" selection tools and now also works with vertex and edge modify mode.
- Fixed "Sharp Edges" selection tool when used with object that contained skin settings and the transformation matrix in its parent part calculated incorrectly.
- Improved the accuracy of "Near Elements (Inner)" and "Near Elements (Outer)" selection tools.
- Fixed "Near Elements (Inner)" and "Near Elements (Outer)" selection tools when used with object that the transformation matrix in its parent part calculated incorrectly.
- Fixed "Self Intersecting Faces" selection tool when deals with face in pentagon or above incorrectly.
- Fixed "Wrapping Mesh" tool when under legacy mode, the "Voxelize Division" setting cannot be used.
- Improved the stability of "Wrapping Mesh" tool.
- Fixed the instability after copy and paste of joints that contained keyframe settings in its parent or child part.
- Fixed "Bridge" tool problem that generated hole between meshes.
- Fixed the incorrect transformation of "Object Camera" when used the "Object" button in Camera window > Set & Link settings.
- Fixed the instability after undo the action in "Extrude" edges.
- Fixed a crash problem when editing a polygon mesh without any vertices.
- Fixed the animation rendering problem when applied to the selection objects only.
- Fixed the motion preview problem that occasionally caused freeze in Shade 3D.
<Figure Window Display>
- Fixed a crash problem when showing a polygon face without any vertices.
- Fixed Color Correction window's settings when shown under "Use All Lights" mode.
- Fixed the slowness problem when select object with skin settings under modify mode.
- Improved the performance of the box selection with vertices and edges.
- Fixed the Normal shader that displayed incorrect color when face flipped or reversed.
- Fixed the UV window display that shown an unexpected bounding box in it when "Draft Display" option is enabled in Figure > All Viewports > Display menu.
<File I/O>
- Fixed the instability of opening scene with external reference files when those files are not found.
- Fixed the instability of opening scene that contained corrupt Face group information in it.
- Fixed the printing problem with rendering image under HiDPI display.
- Fixed the Aggregate window resize problem when it is in floating mode.
<Plugin SDK / Scripts>
- Python Script: Fixed sxsdk::polygon_mesh_class::set_roundness_type() that cannot select "none" under subdivision surface setting.